27: Highlights from Guest Interviews

We started this podcast six months ago, hoping to inspire you toward fulfilling your Life Calling. Lessons in each episode became part of our reason to take that brave next step in our purpose. Today, we wrap up the year with an awesome round-up of highlights from guest interviews.

In the course of the past six months, we shared conversations with great guests who brought their understanding and experience of Life Calling. Every guest gave us something to hold onto. They made us think,...

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25: The Christmas Episode

Holidays like Christmas are usually filled with cheer, joy, feasts, decorations, and movie marathons. What if Christmas doesn’t seem like Christmas anymore? Do you ever feel like Christmas and the holiday spirit skipped by? Today, we’ll talk about spending the Christmas season with celebration and intention.

Let’s talk about keeping joy at the heart of Christmas. People come together during this magical time, and it’s this kind of moment where we can make an impact....

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36: Connecting Moms and Daughters | Dannah Gresh


Don’t be afraid of the messy pieces of your story. People often don’t understand each other, not realizing that we all have a messy story that needs grace. Like a mom and daughter trying to understand each other while dealing with their own lives. Today, we talk about connecting moms and daughters through accepting life’s imperfect story.

Dannah Gresh is the best-selling author of over 30 books for teens, tweens, and their parents (written in both English and...

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15: Unpacking Your Strengths

When you take a step in a journey and find yourself wanting to know more, that is a sign that something sparked inside you. After receiving questions about last week’s topic, today’s solo episode will go further and deeper. Friend, here is another chance to take one brave step. Listen to today’s discussion on understanding strengths and implementing your personal strengths.

Honoring your strengths is similar to honoring your potential. Without the use of your strengths,...

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12: When Your Broken Past Builds Your Calling | Allan Scott

Everyone has a story. Trials and the periods of growth we experience give life lessons for us to pass onto others who may need to hear the wisdom we gained from a lived experience. Honoring past lessons allows people to bring new perspectives to the pains that used to drain their energy. Every person who did something worthwhile went through moments that expanded their capacity to follow their true calling.

Allan Scott is a singer, a songwriter, and the lead of the national touring band...

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10: Coaching Students To College and Calling | Carol Ben-Davies


As summer ends, today’s conversation transitions into a talk about Life Calling in respect to college education and college experiences. There is so much that is not covered when people talk about preparing students for college, and a lack of insight for parents as well. Currently, my wife and I are going through the same process with our daughter Asia right now. We’re being helped by Carol Ben-Davies, founder of College Bound Determination, a higher education consulting...

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24: How a Nonprofit Strategist Thinks of Calling

Life Calling can be fulfilled through work. This isn’t always the case, but there are roles that allow us to share our Life Calling and support our lifestyle. One example that comes to mind is a job at a nonprofit. Today, we’ll look at the nonprofit field as a place where people can openly pursue various callings.

Nonprofits typically tackle issues that require attention, solutions, and people willing to use their gifts in service of the initiative. Today’s guest has 30+...

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7: What Your Unplanned Time Is Saying

Every now and then, life takes a spontaneous turn that frees up space in your daily schedule. Maybe a meeting was postponed. Maybe a friend had to cancel lunch at the last minute.  Suddenly a gap of time is in the schedule. What you do with that unplanned time says something about you.

At first, you may find yourself blanking on what to do. It’s possible you subconsciously move on to a random task. Imagine if that time was used intentionally. This approach of paying attention to...

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1: Welcome to Life Calling Today

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Going through life, we sometimes wander aimlessly after letting society or situations have more influence than our own instincts. When we find ourselves feeling disconnected to life, that may be a sign that we are not living our true life calling. We can bravely reclaim our purpose in life despite feeling lost or feeling it’s too late. Our true life calling is a gift to ourselves and the lives we encounter, so...

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3: What is Life Calling?

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Every now and then, you’ll be in the middle of a task that has a natural flow. Being in that flow can be fast and exhilarating or gradual and peaceful, simply, the common thread is that you experience that flow. Steady in that moment, you think to yourself “I was made for this”. That can inform your Life Calling.

Stepping into your Life Calling is a journey, and everyone begins in a different place....

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