12 Quotes from My Winter 2021 Reading List

My Winter 2021 reading list was made possible by many exciting and diverse people. There were athletes and activists, scholars and entertainers, preachers and businesspeople. Some were a couple of these at once!

I'm grateful for their lessons, stories, and inspiration, which all came at a cost to them. Their marks have made their way into my life and work, and if you follow the Christian Life Calling Institute or other blog posts, you'll see them too. 

We previously shared our Summer...

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12 Quotes from My Spring 2021 Reading List

I've been sharing quotes from my reading lists. As was true for Winter 2021, Fall 2020, and Summer 2020, this latest lineup features diverse characters:

  • Human behavior researchers
  • Businesspeople
  • University professors
  • Lawyer
  • Catholic saint
  • Leadership coach
  • Holocaust survivor
  • Pastors

Thanks to them, living and deceased, for their works:

“More often than not, our values are what lead us to the arena door—we’re willing to do something uncomfortable and daring because of our...

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10 Inspiring Quotes from My Fall 2020 Reading List

One of my top strengths is being committed to growth and progress in my life and others' lives. (In CliftonStrengths®, this is called Developer®). If you looked at me, you would find various ways this strength plays out, including reading books. But not just any kind of book.

I don't read e-books because e-books don't feel real to me. Reading a book is a sensory experience, like making coffee or gardening may be to others. I need to feel the book in my hands, hear the sound of...

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9 Impactful Quotes from My Summer Reading

This summer I read a lot of great books on coaching, professional development, strengths, and spiritual growth. There was a lot that moved me. Here are 9 impactful quotes from my reading list. I resisted commenting and instead let them speak for themselves:

“Friends are people you make part of your life just because you feel like it.”

Frederick Buechner, Listening to Your Life

“Sustained success comes only when you take what’s unique about you and figure out how to...

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24 Quotations About Christ to Keep Us Thankful

O Blessed Christ, O Son of God, O Image of the Father! In all of the Father’s gladness, he is most glad to share with us his most beloved Son. In giving us Christ, the Father held nothing back. He took his most precious treasure and unwrapped him and sent him to us, that we might know the Father. Indeed, Jesus Christ is the ultimate reason for gratitude—in showing us the Father, he makes a way to the Father for us. O Blessed Christ, O Son of God, O Image of the Father!

Here are 24...

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