Why Life Calling Doesnā€™t Happen by Accident

Photo courtesy of Lucxama Sylvain from Pexels

Did you ever have a moment that made you come alive? When you felt like you could do this forever? When you started to dream about a life ordered around that gilded inspiration? We call that moment a spark of calling.

Three Remarkable People

Kypros Nicolaides was a medical student who didn’t care for medicine; he was in school to appease his father. Then a new professor brought an ultrasound machine to class. Kypros saw the image of an...

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How One Unlikely Doctor Found His Life Calling

(Photo of Dr. Nicolaides courtesy of KU LEUVEN NEWS)

Many callings in life can be traced to a singular moment that changed everything. This happened for Dr. Kypros Nicolaides, a medical pioneer and world-renowned expert in fetal medicine. Due to his cutting-edge techniques and procedures, many babies have been born who otherwise wouldn’t be.

But you wouldn’t have seen this coming from his early days in college. Born in Cyprus in 1953, Kyrpos was sent to London by his father to...

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5 Obstacles Keeping You Grounded

Freedom almost didn’t happen. In 1780, William Wilberforce began his political career at the young age of 21. Four years later, he became an evangelical Christian and thought he should leave politics and enter professional ministry. He pondered this decision, fearing he would not be serving God if he stayed where he was.

For him, it was a pivotal moment. And a pivotal moment for freedom.

Writes poet Erin Hanson:

“There is freedom waiting for you,
On the breezes of the sky,
And you...
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Five Traits and Strengths in the Life Calling of William Wilberforce

Today we know William Wilberforce as the great British politician who led the movement to abolish the slave trade in British territories. But did you know that it almost didn’t happen?

It’s easy to look back on a well-lived life that has made a mark in a certain well-known way and think it must have been completely obvious to him or her which way to go. But at the time, it's not that simple.

Discovering life calling takes many things, among them a process, discernment,...

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Is My Job The Same As My Calling?

Thank you to the reader who asked the question, “Is my job the same as my calling?” It’s a good question because it hits on the innate longing to become who you were made to be and do what you were made to do. I don’t know anyone who wants to live a wasted life, but I know many who want to live a fulfilled one. Living your calling is a way to get there.

Is your job the same as your calling?

I would say no, for three reasons.

Your calling is the purpose for which God...

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The Strengths and Abilities of Harriet Tubman

Photo Credit: Mark Gulezian/NPG; Copyright National Portrait Gallery/Smithsonian

If you ask me who in history I would like to meet, Harriet Tubman is at the top of my list. I just finished a spectacular book on her called, Harriet Tubman: The Road to Freedom, by Catherine Clinton. What strikes me most from the book is how well-equipped in abilities, strengths, and qualities she was in order to become the person she became and do the things she did.

Unpredictable Outcomes

You may not predict...

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How Values Pre-decide for You

The Catholic Sisters smelled the stench coming from the apartment. When they knocked, an elderly woman timidly answered the door. Her toilet had broken and embarrassed to call for help, she had been relieving herself on the floor so that two rooms were filled with excrement.

After the Sisters cleaned up the place, the woman asked, “See, don’t you love me less?” to which they quickly replied, “See, don’t we love you more!” Love covered her shame when she...

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Another Transition Iā€™m Making

Photo by Alexas Fotos from Pexels

If you’ve been following me, you know that our family is facing a lot of transitions:

  • Being fully self-employed after working full-time for EnergyCAP
  • Moving to Virginia from Pennsylvania this summer
  • Preparing for our daughter to start college in the Fall

While we’re at it, why not throw more transition on the pile?

Two memories from my childhood stand out as especially significant to who I am. When I think back on moments when I felt fully...

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What Difference Can Purpose Make for You?

A study looked at the early lives of 300 exemplary people who left indelible marks on the world. These were 300 world changers like Franklin D. Roosevelt, Helen Keller, Winston Churchill, Gandhi, and Clara Barton. They contributed in various ways across various times and in various industries but held some things in common. What did the study find?

Among these 300 exemplary people:

  • 75% were troubled by poverty, broken home or difficult parents
  • 74 of 85 fiction writers and 16 of 20 poets saw...
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What the Fall of a Leader Teaches About Life Calling

I am so grieved and upset about the news reports of sexual misconduct and abuse by a very well-known international Christian leader. I am sorry for his victims, family, ministry supporters, and the damage this will do to the cause of Christ. This isn’t the first time a leader with a prominent life calling has fallen, and it won’t be the last.

But let his fall teach us something about our call. You don’t have to be famous to learn something here.

Depth of character matters...

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