32: Debriefing the PathwayU Calling Assessment | Ron Sweetman

More than knowing about yourself, the real power is in what you do with what you know about yourself. Many people take assessments to gain insight on their core characteristics. Imagine an assessment that not only brings your core characteristics to your attention but points you in a direction of where you can take action and test your new insights. Today, we are debriefing the PathwayU Calling Assessment.

Ron Sweetman is a businessman who found success early in his career and now coaches...

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8: Bryan Dik - Work and Calling

Does your job reflect the big picture purpose you feel called to live out? Each person exists to live out their unique gifts, and a unique calling. There’s a misconception of a calling being one, singular event. In actuality, calling continues as life develops. Some people will experience their calling in combination with professional work. This can cause others to seek a match between job and purpose, but is there always an intersection of professional work and calling?


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When to Use These Assessments

Photo by Alexander Suhorucov on Pexels

A sales manager asked me to provide training to his team around a certain assessment. Although I could have signed up his team for the assessment he asked for, I wanted to understand why he wanted it. As we talked, I learned that it was the only one he had heard about, which is why he asked for it. But I knew there was a better assessment to meet his goals and current work situation. So together, we chose a different one.

As a coach and consultant, I...

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Why CliftonStrengths + PathwayU Are A Winning Combination

Photo of Ukraine man by John-Mark Smith of Ukraine from Pexels

CliftonStrengths® isn’t supposed to be used for job selection, but what if you’re looking for that kind of direction? That’s where PathwayU comes in. CliftonStrengths can tell you what you’re good at, while PathwayU can predict possible pathways for fulfillment and impact. Together, CliftonStrengths and PathwayU are a winning combination.

What is CliftonStrengths?

CliftonStrengths is a talent...

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The Assessment that Scientifically Predicts Pathways to Your Calling

Photo by fauxels from Pexels

How do you know which paths to take for greater meaning, purpose, and joy in your calling? Introducing PathwayU.

PathwayU is a platform that uses predictive science to help you discover which paths could create more purpose, meaning, and joy in your life and work. Think of it as a calling assessment, possibility finder, job hunter, coaching tool, and educational resource rolled into one platform.

PathwayU was originally designed for college students to choose best...

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