I Was An Enneagram Teacherā€“Hereā€™s Why I Left

Photo by Min An on Pexels

“[This] is the most difficult dilemma for thoughtful, serious human beings: ‘What will you do with what you know?’”1

The Enneagram is one of the most popular personality systems being used today. The word comes from the Greek word, ennea, meaning “nine” and gram meaning “figure or shape.” The shape of the Enneagram has nine points, representing the nine personality types of humanity.

The idea is that everyone has a core...

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Why Big Projects Have a Backstory

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

I’m about to embark on one of the biggest—and most thrilling—projects of my professional life: creating a Strengths-based culture at my new workplace, Carter Myers Automotive (CMA). But before I go on, I must recognize the people and experiences that have led me here.

We are never standing on our own. We are a product of who and what came before because they’ve had a part in forming who we’ve become and what we can do. This is...

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Six Critical Questions For Your Job

Photo by JESHOOTS.com on Pexels

As some of you know, I started a new job about two months ago as the Director of People and Associate Experience at Carter Myers Automotive. We have 23 locations and 1,200 employees. I lead the People Team, which is made up of the Human Resources and Payroll groups. I’ve never worked in automotive before, so I’m learning a lot about this essential industry.

I made the change from full-time self-employment for several reasons: I missed being part of...

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How Pediatric Cancer Affected Our Family

Note: In support of pediatric cancer awareness month, here's my perspective on how pediatric cancer affected our family.

I never expected pediatric cancer to hit our family, but when it did, it came with force and fury. Last summer, my family of five was vacationing with my younger brother’s family of four. One day, my nine year-old nephew, Jackson, complained of swelling in his neck and a painful spot on his arm. He went to the emergency room, and after a blood test, was transported to...

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Life Update: August 2023

Photo by Elizabeth Baltadjieva on Pexels

I have a life update: I got a new job! Next week, I start working for Carter Myers Automotive (CMA), a Fortune 500 family business based in Charlottesville. My role will be leading human resources and employee experience for the 25 dealerships and 1,200 employees. I’m thrilled to start this new chapter in what has felt like a never-ending cycle of transitions.

You may remember that I stepped away from the HR lead role two years ago at EnergyCAP,...

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12 Quotes from My Winter 2021 Reading List

My Winter 2021 reading list was made possible by many exciting and diverse people. There were athletes and activists, scholars and entertainers, preachers and businesspeople. Some were a couple of these at once!

I'm grateful for their lessons, stories, and inspiration, which all came at a cost to them. Their marks have made their way into my life and work, and if you follow the Christian Life Calling Institute or other blog posts, you'll see them too. 

We previously shared our Summer...

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12 Quotes from My Spring 2021 Reading List

I've been sharing quotes from my reading lists. As was true for Winter 2021, Fall 2020, and Summer 2020, this latest lineup features diverse characters:

  • Human behavior researchers
  • Businesspeople
  • University professors
  • Lawyer
  • Catholic saint
  • Leadership coach
  • Holocaust survivor
  • Pastors

Thanks to them, living and deceased, for their works:

“More often than not, our values are what lead us to the arena door—we’re willing to do something uncomfortable and daring because of our...

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What Invitations Are Being Offered to You?

Simmons Family Ranch

Life offers a series of invitations. Some you welcome with open arms. Some are hidden, and it takes a bit to recognize the invitation. And some you resist. But the reason you go from one place to the next in life is that you say yes to the invitations. A person who awakened me to the invitations in my life is my friend Terri Joy.

For example:

  • When I resigned from my job of 20 years to work for myself full-time, it became an invitation to live anywhere, prompting a move...
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What Is Your Life and Work Arrangement?

Photo of Vault Virginia is courtesy of The Daily Progress

A few weeks ago, a coach asked me critical questions during our session together, and it transformed the way I was thinking. Before I reveal the gilded inquiries, let me explain the backstory. Our family had recently moved to Charlottesville, VA, under the premise that I would work for myself. But after a few months, I became interested in returning to the workforce. I

missed being part of a team, serving a common mission, and...

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This Powerful Question Can Change How You Deal With Adversity

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on Pexels

About two weeks ago, my computer and online accounts got hacked. It started with an email from Spotify alerting me of suspicious activity. Then one came from Uber, then Amazon, and on it went. I began changing the passwords to my accounts. I logged into my system’s security log, which showed multiple attempts to infiltrate my setup and steal my passwords.

As a result of the cyberattack:

  • Fraudulent purchases were charged to my bank account
  • My email...
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