Building Strengths-Based Partnerships

You probably have heard the name Michael Phelps, but have you heard the name Bob Bowman? Phelps won the most Olympic medals of any athlete (28) and is most known for winning eight gold medals in a single Olympics. However, if not for Bowman, you may not have ever heard of Phelps.

Bowman was Phelps’ long-time coach and Phelps credits Bowman for much of his success. Together they built a partnership that achieved extraordinary results. What could a strengths-based partnership do for you?

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The Real Cause of the Great Resignation

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

You’ve probably heard of the Great Resignation, which refers to the unprecedented number of American workers who resigned from their jobs during the pandemic. Maybe your organization lost employees during this time or maybe you left yourself. If you did, you’re in good company—I did too. But what you may not know is what really caused the Great Resignation.

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, more than 4 million people...

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Four Surprises When We Moved to Virginia

Eight weeks ago, we moved out of our home in Pennsylvania. A lot of people have asked us why we moved. When I started working full-time for my own business, it meant we could live anywhere. We’d heard great things about Charlottesville and Covenant School. After a discernment process, we decided to move.

But our new home wouldn’t be ready for six weeks, so we would have time on the road. We looked at our six weeks as a series of smaller trips, some for leisure, some for business,...

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10 Hot Topics for Strengths Coaching

Sometimes I get asked what happens in a Strengths coaching session (also known as a Strengths debrief). The short answer is it depends on what the client wants to get out of it. I don’t approach a session with my own agenda; as a coach, I want to follow the client’s agenda.

But if a client has never been to a coaching session, they may not know the possibilities. That’s when I like to offer options so the client can choose what will be most valuable. The subject is...

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How I Apply My Strengths to My Priority Projects

Photo by Adil Alimbetov from Pexels

I was speaking for a leadership group and asked, “How many of you know what you’re good at?” All of them raised their hands.

Then I followed, “How many of you think about using what you’re good at to do your work?” None of them raised their hands.

By not connecting their strengths with their work, they’re leaving so much value, efficiency, and power on the table.

I think this happens a lot in the workplace. We move...

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When Story Informs Calling: A Very Personal Account

When you read the sages on calling, you understand how important it is to understand your story. Your story leaves clues to who you are, where you’ve come from, and where you are going. If you ignore your story, you leave a big piece silent that is meant to be speaking about your calling.

In the spirit of story, I’m going to share a very personal one that may help to explain why we’re shifting to a more Christianly approach to our work. As I announced in a previous blog, our...

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Another Transition Iโ€™m Making

Photo by Alexas Fotos from Pexels

If you’ve been following me, you know that our family is facing a lot of transitions:

  • Being fully self-employed after working full-time for EnergyCAP
  • Moving to Virginia from Pennsylvania this summer
  • Preparing for our daughter to start college in the Fall

While we’re at it, why not throw more transition on the pile?

Two memories from my childhood stand out as especially significant to who I am. When I think back on moments when I felt fully...

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Why CliftonStrengths + PathwayU Are A Winning Combination

Photo of Ukraine man by John-Mark Smith of Ukraine from Pexels

CliftonStrengths® isn’t supposed to be used for job selection, but what if you’re looking for that kind of direction? That’s where PathwayU comes in. CliftonStrengths can tell you what you’re good at, while PathwayU can predict possible pathways for fulfillment and impact. Together, CliftonStrengths and PathwayU are a winning combination.

What is CliftonStrengths?

CliftonStrengths is a talent...

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The Assessment that Scientifically Predicts Pathways to Your Calling

Photo by fauxels from Pexels

How do you know which paths to take for greater meaning, purpose, and joy in your calling? Introducing PathwayU.

PathwayU is a platform that uses predictive science to help you discover which paths could create more purpose, meaning, and joy in your life and work. Think of it as a calling assessment, possibility finder, job hunter, coaching tool, and educational resource rolled into one platform.

PathwayU was originally designed for college students to choose best...

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Family News: Weโ€™re Moving

When I started working for myself full-time, it opened new possibilities. My wife (Colette), and I began imagining what this job change could mean. What was now possible that wasn’t possible before? One of things we pondered was where to live.

I was no longer tied to an employer and a locale.

Sure, this was my hometown, and my parents and my brothers’ families were here. Also, many dear friends whose hearts were part of ours. And a church that we loved. But we felt hungry for a...

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