2: True to Yourself

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Let’s talk about having no regrets and going all in for your one true life. Deciding to make our own choices is one of the first steps to living our one true calling. We must take the chance to ignore the myths we were told about the path of fitting into the life planned by others for us. In theory, we’d be more than happy to live our true life, but sometimes that transition comes with obstacles....

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23: How Shall We Live?

When we sense the end is near, we suddenly have a larger sense of urgency. Take the end of the year for example. With so much to get done, everyone is trying their best to prepare for year-end festivities. Today’s episode is a reflection on the motivation behind this sense of urgency, and why this can inspire how we live our lives year-round.

Life is getting busier with the end-of-the-year holiday season in full swing. From planning gifts to attending events, people’s to-do...

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28: Advice for the New Year | Dave White

Position yourself to make the impact you want to make, and realize you can deliver that impact through a variety of ways. As this year starts, gain a new perspective on how you can bring more purpose and meaning to your journey. You now have a new set of opportunities to grasp. Today, we talk about advice for the New Year to intentionally pursue your Life Calling.

Dr. Dave White holds a consistent voice of doing what’s important. He is a Success Life Coach, and he is the pastor of...

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37: Touching Cancer | Matt Eby


When you are in hard times, where do you pull your strength from? Being in hard times makes us feel we need something larger than ourselves. People pull help from rage and regret, or sometimes, people pull help from love and compassion. During a tiresome journey, where can our help come from? Today, we talk about touching cancer.

Born in the United States, Matt Eby now lives in Australia fulfilling the purpose of helping others. He really gives his life for service to people that need...

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38: Practical Strengths for Your Calling | Jo Self


Strengths, which align with your innate talents, allow you to see multiple paths for living your calling. You can follow different paths since your strengths relate to the motives that help you carry out an action, rather than the logic directing you on which action to take. Even in your free time, your strengths are influencing your behavior and choices. Today, we talk about Practical Strengths for your calling.

Jo Self is on a mission to ensure talent is not wasted, potential is...

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39: Calling in Your 20's | Bryan Ray

 A career can oftentimes be a package deal of the calling and gifts you have for the world. Your way of being contributes to the role you play in your company, organization, or community. When you’re first starting out it all seems random, but you realize how it all fits as the bigger picture is revealed. Today, we talk about understanding calling in your 20s.

Bryan Ray graduated from Penn State in 2020, and he is now a graduate architect at Hoffman Leakey Architects. In addition...

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When to Use These Assessments

Photo by Alexander Suhorucov on Pexels

A sales manager asked me to provide training to his team around a certain assessment. Although I could have signed up his team for the assessment he asked for, I wanted to understand why he wanted it. As we talked, I learned that it was the only one he had heard about, which is why he asked for it. But I knew there was a better assessment to meet his goals and current work situation. So together, we chose a different one.

As a coach and consultant, I...

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Highlands: A Unique Approach to Personal & Professional Development

Republished by permission of The Highlands Company

If you’re reading this, you may be wondering what to do next in your work life. You may be willing to invest in yourself and your future; and you are seeking a “different” type of information to help.

The Highlands Ability Battery (HAB) is the Gold Standard Among Human Assessment Tools rooted in the scientific research of human abilities and used exclusively by well-trained professionals. The HAB is not used by...

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Five Fallacies to Face Immediately

Photo by fauxels on Pexels

I was scheduled to lead a workshop for a team, but as the time approached, I was feeling anxious and uneasy about it. But why? This would be the third time training this particular team, and I felt comfortable with them. I had already been teaching the topic for several years, so it wasn’t new material. Why was I feeling stressed?

Then it hit me. The last time I was with this team, we had a wonderful workshop. But as I walked to my car to leave, my friend...

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The One-in-a-Million Thing That Happened

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

I recently led a Strengths workshop for the leadership team of RIVANNA Medical, a medical device manufacturer and distributor based in Charlottesville, VA. The company was started in 2010 by graduate students at the University of Virginia when they recognized a need in the marketplace. Now the company holds 45 global patents and is on its way to disrupting—and improving—the way ultrasounds are performed.

This workshop was memorable for a couple...

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