Four Stages of Psychological Safety

In our last post, we answered, “What is Psychological Safety?” and we followed it up with a webinar on the topic. During the webinar, we asked attendees to rate their current level of psychological safety at their workplace from 1-5 with 5 being the highest.

What would you say about yours?

For our webinar attendees, the average response was 3. If this was a test, the score would be 60%, a grade of D.

One of the definitions we highlighted comes from Dr. Timothy R. Clark, who says ...

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What is Psychological Safety?

How open do you feel to take a risk at work? Are you afraid that if you make a mistake you’ll be embarrassed or rejected? How much do you trust the members of your team?

According to experts, questions like these help to measure a critical aspect of a healthy workplace—psychological safety. But what is psychological safety? Let’s look at what two experts say.

In 2012, Google was curious about what made a successful team, so they created “Project Aristotle” to...

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Why the Gospel Isn’t Just for Unbelievers

I have fallen in love with the Gospel, and I’m not afraid to say it. I’ve been a Christian for more than 30 years, and even more than 30 years later, I feel like I’m starting to understand what the Gospel is about.

Maybe I’m a slow learner or have been busy with other things, probably yes. But maybe also the Gospel isn’t just for unbelievers; maybe believers are meant to fall in love with the Gospel over again.

We are tempted to think that the Gospel...

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9 Impactful Quotes from My Summer Reading

This summer I read a lot of great books on coaching, professional development, strengths, and spiritual growth. There was a lot that moved me. Here are 9 impactful quotes from my reading list. I resisted commenting and instead let them speak for themselves:

“Friends are people you make part of your life just because you feel like it.”

Frederick Buechner, Listening to Your Life

“Sustained success comes only when you take what’s unique about you and figure out how to...

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Why Your Strengths Aren't All About You

A woman was having a birthday and decided to throw a party for herself. As the guests gathered, she focused the conversation on how each person knew her. After 40 minutes, she could see her guests were growing weary, so she shifted the conversation: “Okay, enough about me. What do you think of me?”

Sometimes working with strengths can feel this way, and if we’re not careful, strengths can become self-centered. But your strengths are not all about you. Actually, a...

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This Fourth of July, Celebrate Your Freedom in Christ

Today let’s celebrate freedom in Christ! It’s July 4 in the United States, when we celebrate our country’s independence. I’m grateful for that, but grateful too for freedom in Christ.

Look at some of the freedoms Christ brings:

  • Sins forgiven
  • Place in the family of God
  • Perfect in God’s sight
  • Filled with the Holy Spirit
  • No barriers between us and the Heavenly Father
  • Ushered into the life of Christ
  • Given every spiritual blessing and inheritance
  • Given gifts of the...
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Even Talents Need to Grow: Growth Practices for the 34 Strengths

Even talents need to grow. This thesis flies in the face of folks who want it easy. Unfortunately, there are many people who take a talent assessment, glance at the results, think "I knew I was good at this," then toss the results in the trash because now their talents are confirmed.

They think they've "done the talent assessment" and have a handle on their talents.

Just the Beginning

But an assessment is only the beginning. A talent assessment merely reveals areas of talent; it shines the...

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Three Ways to Boost Employee Recognition

With increased stress to employees, remote working conditions, and societal pressures, making employees feel recognized and appreciated is more important than ever.

Aside from the human relations side, the business benefits of employee recognition are numerous. Studies published by Forbes and GetHppy show that employee recognition improves engagement, customer satisfaction, employee retention, employee experience, and performance.

Actually, “Praise and commendation from managers was...

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Accept the Invitation When It's Offered

Yesterday I walked in the dew with my shoes off. I did this to feel alive, but it almost didn’t happen.

You see, after I eat breakfast, I’m on my way upstairs to get ready for work. My wife asks if I would see her garden. She’s been pulling and planting for days now, her vegetable garden in our backyard.

It won’t take much for me to visit her garden. But I hesitate—I’m already thinking of the work tasks to tackle when I sit down at my desk. They are so...

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How the 34 Strengths Deal with Stress

We previously led a weeklong series of webinars on the topic of managing stress. We looked at four different approaches to managing stress because each one offers something distinctive—Coaching Approach, Strengths Approach, and Christian Approach.

In this post, we’ll talk about the Strengths Approach. By the way, if you want to watch any of the recorded videos, click on the words above. When taking a Strengths Approach, you can ask three questions:

  • What are my strengths?
  • How...
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